We inspire, engage and empower you to reach your potential.

APTA MA Annual Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

We will once again be at the Norwood Four Points Conference Center.

We have some exciting new changes this year:

  • New Sponsorships
  • 2 Packages: Conference Only or Promotional Package Add On
  • New time for the Exhibit Hall:
    11:45 – 12:45 and 2:00 – 2:35  See schedule here


Each package (except Friends of APTA MA) includes:

  • 60 – 90 minutes of unopposed exhibit hour
  • 6ft table in the exhibit hall (electricity is not guaranteed, public wifi should be available)
  • Your company logo will be displayed in our marketing and on onsite materials 
Conference Only Price
Promotional Package Description
Promotional Package Add On Pricing

Exhibiting Table

  • Add logo and website link to one member newsletter
  • Add logo and website link to website banner for 6 months


Registration Giveaway Sponsor

  • Giveaway item for each attendee with
    your logo and APTA MA logo
  • Exhibit table in prime location during
    conference with extended time past exhibit hour


  • Add logo and website link to one member newsletter
  • Add logo and website link to website banner for 6 months    


Educational Track Sponsor

  • Signage outside of the classroom in an education track
  • Company representative provides 2 minute welcome prior to session starting


  • Add logo and website link to one member newsletter
  • Add logo and website link to website banner for 6 months


Poster Presentation Sponsor

  • Signage next to posters
  • Exhibit table positioned close to poster area


  • Add logo and website link to one member newsletter
  • Add logo and website link to website banner for 6 months


Luncheon Sponsor

  • 5 minute or less introduction prior to Lunch presentations
  • Signage during lunch
  • Exhibit table in prime location during conference with extended time past exhibit hour



  • Add logo and website link to one member newsletter
  • Add logo and website link to website banner for 6 months


Nametag Lanyard Sponsornew

  • Your logo on a lanyard for each attendee
  • Add logo and website link to one member newsletter
  • Add logo and website link to website banner for 6 months


Professional Headshot Booth Sponsornew 
offering attendees the opportunity to get a professional headshot while at conference.

  • Signage next to headshot area
  • Priority headshots for your company employees attending the conference
  • Add logo and website link to one member newsletter
  • Add logo and website link to website banner for 6 months


Friends of APTA MA

  • No exhibit table
  • Logo in materials





Hotel Rooms and Directions