We inspire, engage and empower you to reach your potential.

Approved Providers

Below are APTA MA Approved Providers of Continuing Education

Click on the company logo to be forwarded to their list of courses.

Education provider and courses have been approved for one year

(Approved Through May 9, 2024)

(Approved Through June 15, 2024)

(Approved Through August 24, 2024)

Most will be private courses for now but we are looking forward to branching out to inviting non-employees soon
(Approved Through October 1, 2024)

Most will be private courses for now but we are looking forward to branching out to inviting non-employees soon

(Approved Through October 15, 2024)

(Approved Through January 18, 2025) Courses are by invitation only.

(Approved Through January 18, 2025)